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The Final conference takes place on July 24, at the international final conference of the Forest-IN Project coordinated by the University of Aveiro.

Our partner Galicia Forestry Association (AFG) hosts this third training event from 11 to 15 March, under the title 'From theory to practice: Hands-on sustainable forest management'.    As in the two previous courses, this training event is addressed to mainly at forest owners, but may also be of interest to technicians from private forestry associations and public administration, among other practitioners.   More info in attached PDF....

The Center for Forest Operations and Techniques (COTF) headquarters (Lousã, Portugal), hosts the Second Training Event of FOREST-IN project, addressed to smallholders.   The training issue has proved to be fundamental, with both courses already having been strongly adhered to, by forestry owners from the 3 countries involved in the project: Portugal, Spain and France.   Tentative program available in attached file. ...

UNIMADEIRAS headquarters (Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal), hosts the First Training Event of FOREST-IN project, addressed to smallholders.   Program available in attached file  

UNIMADEIRAS headquarters (in Albergaria-a-Velha) will host the 6th meeting of partners of the FOREST-IN project, on 18 and 19 October.This meeting will be held coinciding with the first training course aimed at smallholders.

Provence Model Forest Association (France) will host our 5th partners meeting and the 4th Multiplier Event of FOREST-IN project.

Project partners will celebrate their 4th meeting at Galicia (Spain) hosted by the Galicia Forestry Association, entity that organizes the second multiplier event of the Forest-IN Project, From theory to practice: Hands on sustainable forest management , aimed at forest smallholders (further information at Galicia Forestry Association afg@asociacionforestal.org ).

BIO FORUMGestão  florestal sustentável. Desafiós e oportunidades da floresta portuguesaInscreva-se através deste formulárioSESSÃO DE ABERTURA. 9:00 - 9:30Câmara Municipal de Albergaria. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das FlorestasUniversidade de Aveiro. Associação AurancaAssociação BiolivingPAINEL 1 - DESAFIOS DA FLORESTA PORTUGUESA

ENGLISHThe International Forum 'Healthy forest, benefits for all' is the first multiplier event of the Forest-IN Project, and will be held next March at the Centro de Operações e Técnicas Florestais (COTF), in Lousã, Portugal.The main objectives of this sector meeting are:1) Presentation of the FOREST-IN project and general objectives.2) Joint discussion of the main problems concerning forest management in the partners’ countries.3)...

Cesefor headquarters hosted  the project Kick-off meeting in Soria, during 2016 October 20th and 21th. Partners met each other during these working days, and focused on project defitition, schedule, technical outputs and administrative issues. 15 people attended  the meeting, not only from the project partners, but also some represenatatives of the Castilla y León Government (Junta de Castilla y León) and the Regional Forestry owners...